Monday, July 12, 2010


One thing for sure. I'm here to SCREAM.

Warning: This may cause Anger and Humiliation and tons of other things

One thing for sure-----I NEVER shout at someone HERE. But this is SO an execption. I can't stand this anymore!

See, it's about that video down there. That babies thingy. REALLY, I made this for fun. But guess what I got?


I don't usually mind critics cause' I KNOW it's suppose to BE their lousy-stinking job to say lousy-stinking words to make you feel lousy-stinking SAD. Okay, so I DID feel so. But after awhile, I figured that it's pretty AWESOME to be scolded like that, you know? Especially that guy DIDN't even KNOW who the heck lives near his lousy-stinking class about to be fried like a potato. Or WORSE, keropok lekor.



It's BIG TIME I realized that ain't got ANYTHING to DO with Bieber. I'm NOT insulting it. I'm NOT cussing him to die. I'm JUST using this song to say how I feel, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. So if you're gonna say "mother f$$king" to me, you owe me an apology. Puh-lease. You think that saying that makes you look all cool and bitchy and bad? FUCK A DUCK. You're not a baby borned yesterday, you should know that ther're gonna be TONS of people out there who WON'T buy a single bullshit of yours. I can say "f-u-c-k" all the times if you wanna be a bullshit-lover. And guess what? I'M NOT ONE. If I really tried to do pseudogram or an anti-Bieber MV, I would have STOP trying and JUST do it instead. I can anti him without "mother-f$$king", or any other so-called cuss. You jackasses just TOTALLY mae JB looked like an AB to me---Action-Bodoh, LCLY, lansy lanyou. Arrogant, damned piehole-disease.

It's personal, and you're gonna get it from me. You're gonna be SO BUSTED that Justin Drew Bieber's gonna be SORRY to have a fan like you.


P.S. Ouch, now that I'm calmer. HARSH.

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