Thursday, March 3, 2011

We May only Have tonight.

I know I didn't pass my Maths up, so tomorrow my Modern maths, which I don't know what sorta epic grade I'm getting, will go even LOWER 'cause I didn't hand my stuffs up. I know I SUCK in Mandarin Paper----or should I say, ALIEN LANGUAGE, and "language" doesn't even pronounce as "lan-wage", only "lan-guakge", because nothing's impossible.----- and that I'd got only 53/100, which way passed my nightmare's limit-----reality IS the nightmare, my new conclusion----.
But we have tonight.

Oh, and yeah, I HATE me class. One thing for sure, THIS CLASS SUCKS. It sucks even MORE than my Mandarin Paper. Look at this set notation:

4B={cheaters, weirdos, nicies, smartypants that scares you, changed friend(s)}

Right, so this post is SPECIFICALLY NOT FOR EVERYONE, rated " mature people and kids only." Now, I know this maybe TOO frankly, but it's about a friend who INDIRECTLY cheated at class.
Now, I KNOW to have a big guy like Unknown X as you BIG FRIEND is a BIG COMPLETMENT, but he ain't your father, you know. He WANTS your lousy-stinking answer, AND as someone who's SUPPOSE to know what is right and what is wrong, YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT YOU CAN'T LET HIM SEE YOUR ANSWER SHIT----NOT a typing error----. I CAN'T believe you TALKED ABOUT IT like some BIG I-just-saved-America mission, saying bullshits about how he couldn't see your answer and stuffs. Now THAT is JUST NOT OUR FRIEND here!

OKay, so maybe YOU think I am being fuddy-duddy here, but tell you what: there was a Modern Maths question she didn't know how to solve, and then her Unknown X friend threw her a piece of paper at last minute. She "didn't know it was the answer and copied it full on my paper" and then after passing up "then I know it's the correct answer for that particular question".

Dude, me and my another friend were like telepathing. Telepathing WHAT? Go figure, you intelligent mankind.

That is JUST BOGUS! FOR A BOY? You let the guy cheated. FOR WHAT? You looked at the piece of paper? DUDE! WHERE IS YOUR MARUAH DIRI? Whoa. PENDIDIKAN YANG TIDAK BERKESAN!
Infact when I said "Heck, we rather fail than cheating!" to my friend, the punk kinda-sorta-rolled her eyes and said, " I'm not THAT noble."

Fine. Not-noble-lady. We are still friends anyway. Not that you could do anything.

Anyway, TODAY IS GONNA BE A GOODNIGHT. I'm all LIGHT without the pressure of EXAMS, and imagine me having fun right now because it's NOVEMBER already.

"Still waiting for adventures."

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