Thursday, September 1, 2011

My mom is weird!

Suddenly she's all BACK to "Mummy" when I was 6 years old. I'm gonna be 16 after thirteen days----TEN YEARS, OKAY? SUDDENLY she's back.

YESTERDAY, "Mummy" is back. And it was September 1st. So I guess it's a lucky sign. Can she keep it up until my birthday? Thank you very much, the author of my life.

How to differentiate MUMMYS and MOTHERS

MUMMYS: Talk nicely and joke around and laugh at your jokes.

MOTHERS: Nags all day and when she screams so much it's as if her mouth's gonna fall off.
Mothers also have issues with me, although I'm generally the BEST daughter ever.

My Birthday is coming. I don't know how am I gonna celebrate it. It's 16, you know. But, I don't know what's about me that's worth celebrating for. Hey Lyi, what's the best thing about me, huh?

Isshhh, I wish I can have THREE wishes that day, those that DON'T backfires. I'm NOT SO intelligent enough to think that much till it's a foolproof one.

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